Greage - Spectre Entertainment
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Location scenique


Formerly Groupe Spectre Sonore, Spectre Entertainment has been innovating for several years in the design of tailor-made projects. For the last 14 years, we have been your accomplice for all your soundvideorigging and lighting needs.

For every project, we will find personalized solutions to meet your expectations.

Whether for a shoot, a show, a launch or any other special event, we can manage your project from end to end or simply work on a specific part according to your requirements.

Spectre Entertainment’s versatile and professional team is up to the task for all audiovisual rental or purchase needs, and installation is available.


We have added a brand-new decor department to our services. Spectre Entertainment now offers Atelier JD’s services, which include rental and production of decor for events of all kinds. 

From a decorative element to a complete theme, our crew is here to help you build and execute a memorable event. The dedicated team focused on your needs will manage your design, cabinetmaking, CNC cutting, sewing, welding, hot bending and painting projects.

Over the last two decades, Atelier JD has built a solid reputation earning the loyalty of select and prestigious clients. Artists, designers and decorating consultants ready to meet the demands of an ever-growing clientele quickly joined the team.


You can contact us by email using our rental application form or by phone.


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Anciennement Groupe Spectre SonoreSpectre Entertainment innove depuis plusieurs années dans la conception de projets sur mesure. Nous sommes vos alliés en matière de location et de vente au niveau de la sonorisation, de la vidéo, du gréage et de l’éclairage depuis déjà 14 ans.

Pour chaque projet, nous saurons trouver une solution personnalisée qui répondra à vos attentes. 

Que ce soit pour un tournage, un spectacle, un lancement ou tout autre événement spécial, nous pourrons gérer votre projet en entier pour un service clé en main ou simplement en assurer une partie, selon vos demandes.

Dotée d’une équipe professionnelle et polyvalente, Spectre Entertainment est en mesure de combler tous vos besoins de location ou d’achat en audiovisuel, avec option d’installation.

Alimenté par les nouveautés et dernières technologies de l’industrie, Spectre Entertainment est toujours là, à la hauteur de vos attentes. Nous sommes des bâtisseurs de solutions, l’expertise que nous développons dans notre secteur d’activité nous permet d’orienter efficacement les choix de nos clients en fonction de leurs besoins. Partenaire actif dans le milieu des arts et de la culture, nous sommes la solution pour répondre aux besoins en matière d’audiovisuel de plusieurs industries ; restauration, hôtels, bars, festivals, événement sportif, mariage, soirée corporative, etc…

Il est possible de prendre rendez-vous avec un de nos spécialistes pour analyser votre projet. 

La location et la vente d’équipement audiovisuel sont deux options possibles chez Spectre Entertainment. Présents avec vous de la conception à la livraison, il nous fera plaisir de vous conseiller dans la réalisation de votre projet.

Manufacture and confection of decor

We have added a brand-new decor department to our services. Spectre Entertainment now offers Atelier JD’s services, which include rental and production of decor for events of all kinds. From a decorative element to a complete theme, our crew is here to help you build and execute a memorable event. The dedicated team focused on your needs will manage your design, cabinetmaking, CNC cutting, sewing, welding, hot bending and painting projects.

Over the last two decades, Atelier JD has built a solid reputation earning the loyalty of select and prestigious clients. Artists, designers and decorating consultants ready to meet the demands of an ever-growing clientele quickly joined the team. You have undoubtedly admired one of our creations during an evening at the Place des Arts or at the St-James Club of Montreal. You may also have visited one of our booths at the Toronto Convention Center or at the Montreal Auto Show.

You may have strolled through some of our designs at the Montreal Jazz Festival or maybe our red carpet has caught your eye during the Gémeaux Awards. You might also have contemplated the spectacular start and finish arches that make the pride of the “Grand Prix Cycliste de Québec and de Montréal”. Atelier JD specializes in the design, manufacturing, sales and rental of custom decors. All our projects are “turnkey” and executed in line with your deadline and budget.

For the making of a speaker podium stand, a turntable, some dedicated furniture for a visual presentation, a bright bar counter for V.I.P parties, our expertise is over the top. We also offer prestigious red carpets creating glamorous entrances, different stage platforms designed for big or small shows and fashion shows, several types of curtains to dress up your venue and enhance your event with chic sequins, sumptuous curtains or luxurious velvet. Choose between a wide variety of themed décor and several 3D elements adding a touch of genius to your event.

Whether we are talking about a stage set, personalized exhibition booth, product launch, new shopping center decor, promotional cocktail party, gala, holiday or Halloween party, we can suggest designs that suit your event while respecting your guests’ wishes and your site’s needs. Designed by talented artists and craftsmen, our decors are installed by professionals and give your event the setting it deserves. Our strength: a passionate, dynamic, creative and organized team who prioritizes your desires with utmost respect.

Our only limit is your imagination.